Main Functions
Additional Modules

Approvals from all leading classification societies make Cybermaster TM a standard application with familiar user end graphics and ensure high level of accuracy in all outputs.
This software is interface ready with various sensing devices and can be delivered as a package along with tank level gauging and Valve Remote control systems using various communication protocols.
Cybermaster TM with different modules can be customised for FPSO, General Cargo Vessel, Bulk Carriers, Oil/Chemical Tankers, Gas Carriers, Container Vessels, Passenger Vessels, Semi-Submersibles, Jackup Rigs, Anchor handling Tugs & Supply Vessels.
Over 550 vessels are using Cybermaster TM worldwide and is supported by a strong technical team of engineers for development and client support.

Salient Features
- User-friendly graphical user interfaces and familiar menu layout.
- Accurate calculations using actual Hydrostatics & KN Curves at various heel angle..
- Online sounding mode compatible with various major instruments.
- Various report presentation showing Intact Stability & Strength reports, and also report to view database like Hydrostatics & KN, Sounding tables, SF/BM Allowables etc.
- Graphical presentations of Tank Plan.
- Inbuilt contextual User-friendly Help Manual & Tips for better & efficient learning and Online Help & support.
- Capability to view multiple loading conditions at same time.
- Type approved by various classification societies like-LRS, DNV & IRS and has Specific approvals from NKK, BV, ABS, RINA, GL & others.
Main Functions

Preparing Loading Conditions
- Can Create & Store New Loading Conditions
- Retrieve and Edit Stored Loading Conditions
- Tank/ Hold Filling by Weight,Volume, Percentage and sounding /Ullage Deepth
- Provision for Correction in Sounding due to Trim and Heel User Defined Parameters for:
- VCG Maximum or VCG from Sounding Table
- FSM Maximum or from Sounding Tables or USer Defined
- FSM Maximum or from Sounding Tables or USer Defined

Warnings, Checks & Error Prevention
- Load line Draft and Excessive Trim
- Maximum permissible VCG exceeding
- Net Tank Top strength
- Audio alarms for criteria violations
- Any of the Stability criteria violation
- Propeller Immersion and Minimum Forward Draft
- Permissible Still water Bending moment and Shear force
- User-defined constraints of Draft, Trim checks
- Special Constraints such as Minimum Ballast Draft, Propeller Immersion

Computation of Drafts & Intact Stability
- Draft, Trim, Heel, GoMt, FSM & KG computations
- Displacement & Dead weight calculations
- IMO Intact Stability as per IMO A-749 and compliance comparison
- Wind Heeling Moment calculations as per IMO A-562
- Rolling Period calculations as per IMO A-749

Computation of Longitudinal Strength
- SF/BM calculation at the prescribed frame
- Comparison with the allowable values
- Shear Force correction at bulkheads
- Graphical display of the calculation results

Special and Optional Features
- Ballast Exchange
- Loading/ Discharging Sequencer
- Autoloader
- URS 17 module (for checking flooded strength and Block Loading Curves)
- Draft Survey to find unknown Weights and to adjust Deadweights.
- Ability to check for multiple (various) Loadline.
- Network version of the software
Additional Modules

Damage Stability
- A graphical view of Equilibrium Damaged Condition of vessel
- Each compartment is modeled accurately using Lines Plan / Structural drawings to generated Hydrostatics & KN curves and use the same for computations at various trims
- Damage Stability Report showing status of the vessel before & after damage
- Flexibility to choose various combinations of compartments, along with pre-loaded Damage cases
- All the required significant criteria like – MARPOL, MODU, IGC, SOLAS, IBC incorporated
- Flexibility to change the default PERMEABILITY of the compartments
- Outflow calculation with Grounding

Online Sounding
- Online sounding module to be integrated with tank gauging system to gauge the tank levels in real time which updates the Loading Program automatically.
- Height of water in the tanks (from Tank Gauging System) will be taken in program and lling ratios of the tanks / intact stability results can be seen on screen.
- Interface Required:
Protocol : MODBUS
Transmission Mode : RTU/ASCII
Transmission Cable : RS-485

Bulk Carrier
- Adjacent / Block loading / permissible tank to strength warning
- SF correction at bulkheads
- Permissible tank top / Net tank top strength warning loading
- Grain Stability calculations according to grain code
- Flooded Strength Calculation
- All URS requirements for a new bulk carrier

Oil / Chemical Carrier
- Use of ASTM Petro measure tables i.e. table 54A/54B/6A/6B
- User defined VCF for chemicals
- Cargo Compatibility warnings
- Input as density as well as API
- Provision of standard and customized format for Ullage report generation for tankers and chemical cargo carrier
- Capability to make Heel and Trim correction to Ullage entry
- Online interface to Ullage and temperature inputs

Gas Carrier
- Gas cargo summary and Gas cargo report
- Cargo Quantity Calculations and various corrections to cargo volume
- Vast Database of properties for various gases

Container Vessel
- Cargo handling functions for Loading Port / Discharging Port, Shifting of container Control, Segregation Check, Container Sorting, Container Status
- Graphical View for stowage Plan, Bay section, Plan/profile
- Deck Strength and Stack Weight warning for containers
- Preparation of bay plans with user defined parameter
- Assigning Container properties
- Read / Write from Baplie file and container details from excel file
- Torsion Calculations
- Torsion Calculations

Anchor Handling Supply Vessel
- FI Fi Criteria
- Tow Rope Criteria
- Drag and Drop of deck cargo
- Multi Deck load display options
- Deck Cargo identification by mouse pointing
- Visual alarm for loading constraint violation<
- Deck Cargo location interference check

- Anchor Chain Tension and Payout Correction
- Choice of Azimuth directions for stability calculations
- Graphical and Interactive Deck Loading interface with Grid
- Allowable Residual Deck Load check against Permissible deck load

Passenger Vessel
- Deckwise loading of number of passengers
- Checking of Crowding criteria
- Checking of Turning criteria

Jack-up Rig
- Jack up Mode:
- Load Calculation for Operational Mode & Survival Mode – Leg Load, Chord Load & Spudcan Uplift Load due to wave/ current for various water depths
- Warning when the parameters exceeds
- Load variations due to Cantilever positions
- Load variations due to Cantilever positions
- Preload assessment, schedule and plan
- Load Calculations
- Floating Mode:
- Calculation of loads and moments due to various solids and liquid bulks.
- Calculation / interpolation of Hydrostatic curves, righting moments, Healing Moments, Allowable KG, Metacentric Heights etc. Floatation stability with variable position of leg available with / without Spudcans empty